Dry skin
Dry skin
Dry skin is a common problem in which the skin loses its natural ability to retain moisture. It can be caused by external factors such as cold or dry weather, excessive sun exposure, or the use of skin care products that strip the skin of its natural oils. Dry skin can feel tight, rough, and itchy, and can be prone to flaking and wrinkling. To treat dry skin, it's important to moisturize regularly and use skin care products designed for dry skin, which contain moisturizing and emollient ingredients to restore the skin's natural moisture. Additionally, it's important to avoid using products that can worsen dry skin, such as harsh soaps or abrasive scrubs.
Better Together Collagen+ and LumiSpa iO System Dry Skin
130.900 Ft
156.300 Ft
NaPCA Moisture Mist 250 ml
6.800 Ft
Nutricentials® Brighter Day Exfoliant Scrub 100 ml
11.500 Ft
12.800 Ft
Nutricentials Celltrex Always Right Recovery Fluid 30 ml
24.600 Ft
29.300 Ft
Nutricentials Day Dream Protective Cream Creamy Day Moisturizer SPF 30, 50 ml
20.400 Ft
24.200 Ft
Nutricentials® Dew All Day Moisture Restore Cream 75 ml
16.400 Ft
24.200 Ft
Nutricentials® In Balance pH Balance Toner 150 ml
10.900 Ft
11.900 Ft
20.900 Ft
24.200 Ft
Nutricentials Pumps Hyaluronic Acid + B5 30ml
18.800 Ft
23.600 Ft
Rejuvenating Cream 75 ml
22.400 Ft
25.800 Ft